Burnside Mobile’s Sidewalk/Trail Patrol module is intended to help identify and resolve problems associated with an asset that is often a significant liability to municipalities. Sidewalk and Trail Manager allows you to proactively document awareness of problems, and demonstrate that you have taken appropriate action to correct them in a timely fashion.
Use Sidewalk/Trail Patrol for all sidewalks, paths and trails to:
- Track the date each sidewalk/trail section is inspected
- Identify maintenance issues from trip ledges and cracking to drainage and signs
- Sidewalk and Trail deficiencies are easily collected, either on foot, bike, golf cart, or any ATV or maintenance vehicle
- Send work order information directly to your repair crews’ smart device or create hard copies with thumbnail maps and/or photos so your repair crews know the exact location and nature of the deficiency
How it helps
With iOS or Android devices mounted in the patrolling vehicle, staff selects a deficiency type and indicates whether it should be recorded as a standard or regulation repair. Staff may also enter optional details related to the nature of the deficiency or record a photograph.
Sidewalk Maintenance may be used in conjunction with Fleet Tracker’s GPS data, which shows locations of plowing and sanding/ salting, to further demonstrate compliance with the Minimum Maintenance Standards.
Learn About Our Modules
Road Patrol
Inspect, Record, and Manage Roadway Deficiencies
Winter Patrol
Identify, Record, and Manage Winter Road Conditions
Dashboard Module
Review Patrolling and Maintenance Activities at a Glance
Street Light Inspection
Inspect, Record, and Manage Street Light Deficiencies
Fleet Tracker
Integrate Your Fleet’s AVL Data to Generate Activity Reports
Burnside Mobile API
Integrate Burnside Mobile Into Your Enterprise Workflows
Request a Demo
We’d love to exhibit why Burnside Mobile is the right solution for you, and can fully demonstrate the application’s functionality via a web conference to anyone, anywhere. If you would like to see our product in action please contact us.