Giving Back to our Communities
Our company has a long history of giving back; built on values like honesty, community, and compassion, which in turn creates a culture of respect and friendship. Today, these values are what drive us to find ways to make a positive, meaningful impact in our local communities in which we operate. It’s not just a fancy idea; it’s a living part of how we talk and work.
Burnside staff regularly donate their time volunteering to support community initiatives. Be it working towards a common goal or spending time with other people, these activities are an integral part of our culture. Each office gives back to their local charities, activities, and organizations, whether it be in time, in goods, or in monetary donations.
Below are a few of the volunteer initiatives we take part in:
- Barrie Bowl for Kids Sake
- Caledon EveryMind’s Day Camp & Caledon Meals on Wheels
- Collingwood Road Clean up days
- Guelph Grace Gardens Fall Cleanup, Guelph Shelldale Breakfast Program and Trees for Guelph planting
- Winnipeg Habitat for Humanity
- Wingham Business Improvement Area and Wingham Terry Fox Run
- Woodstock United Way Day of Caring
Running in Support of Amy
On Sunday, October 6th, staff from our Woodstock and Guelph offices (along with friends and family) came together and participated in the Run for the Cure in support of one of our colleagues who was diagnosed with cancer. Part of her journey forward was making a promise to herself to be as physically active as she can be, to help reduce her risk of recurrence. Over $7,500 was raised by the team. Pictured below are staff who came out to run/walk in support.
Learn more about CIBC Run for the Cure

Organizations We Support
Our staff at each of our eleven locations look for ways to help out locally in their community. A sample of the local community organizations or initiatives to whom we give back include:
- Hamilton Food4Kids & Hamilton Children’s Water Festival
- Orangeville Compass Run for Food and Orangeville Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast
- Girl Guides
- Habitat for Humanity
- Big Brothers | Big Sisters
- Century 21 Gala: MS Society of Oxford, South Gate Centre, Easter Seals
- Wingham Lions Auction
- Barrie’s Coldest Night of the Year
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Georgian College “Take Back the Night”
- Guelph Michael House
- Guelph Shelldale Family Gateway
- Highlands Youth for Christ
- Hospice Dufferin
- Orangeville Food Bank
- Southlake Hospital Foundation
- Wingham District Hospital Foundation
Helping out at Shelldale Breakfast Club
Staff volunteers (a few shown here) from our Guelph office provide support to the Guelph Shelldale Community Centre each week setting up tables and chairs, prepping and serving food for local families. The program provides children and their families the ability to have a nutritious breakfast before school each morning. Pictured below is Doug Keenie presenting a cheque to Margie from Shelldale. We invite you to learn more about this community centre.
Shelldale Breakfast Club