
Blyth Creek Municipal Drain

Design and Construction Services

Improving an underperforming municipal drain in Brussels, Ontario.



Municipality of Morris-Turnberry


Brussels, Ontario

Key Team Members

Jeremy Taylor, P.Eng.

Chris Pfohl, C.E.T., EP, CAN-CISEC

Project Story

The Blyth Creek Municipal Drain was originally constructed in 1911 with multiple subsequent reports. Maintenance work had not been completed on the main drain due to contention with landowners and municipal records since the 1980s.

Following a field survey, Burnside discovered that a section of the channel would require deepening to alleviate localized flooding in this area of the watershed. A portion of the work was located within a Provincially Significant Wetland, requiring natural features to retain water within the wetland and additionally enhance the channel habitat, while also improving conveyance and drainage for the watershed.

At the request of the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry, new maintenance schedules and drawings were completed for the 1,332 hectare contributing watershed to replace and update the 1911 report to facilitate future maintenance.

We completed the following services in support of improvements to the drain:

  • An Improvement report under S. 78 of the Act, for the proposed work and new maintenance schedules and drawings for the entire upstream area.
  • Aquatic and terrestrial ecology studies for a Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Class ā€˜Dā€™ (Cold water) channel, including sensitive lake trout and snapping turtle habitat.
  • A groundwater monitoring study for the Provincially Significant Wetland in coordination with the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA).
  • A field survey and watershed delineation.
  • Design and field review of natural features.
  • Hydrologic and hydraulic review and design of existing and proposed crossing structures.
  • Contract administration and site review of construction.
Jeremy Taylor Headshot

Jeremy Taylor, P.Eng.

Senior Vice President, Municipal Services and Structures | Regional Leader, Huron, Oxford, Perth, South Bruce, Huron-Kinloss

Project Contact

We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or require assistance.