Capabilities and Expertise

We provide a full range of services to complete Road Management Plans for municipalities. Through initial discussions with municipal staff and councils, we confirm the policies and vision for the management of the road needs which will ultimately drive the road expenditures and solutions. Our staff have the expertise and experience to formulate a Road Management Plan that will allow for the allocation of resources to make the right improvement, to the right road, at the right time.

Our Team

Key team members who can help you with your next project include:

  • David Argue, Vice President, Transportation
  • Ray Bacquie, Senior Vice President, Transportation
  • Henry Centen, Transportation Engineer

Our Projects

Our team has completed numerous related projects for municipalities across Ontario, including:

  • Town of Innisfil – Road management plan
  • Six Nations First Nation – Road management plan
  • Township of King – Road needs study
  • Township of Guelph-Eramosa – Road needs study
  • Town of Grand Valley – Pavement management plan
Our services that support our clients for these projects include:
  • Consultation with municipal staff and councils to gather input for the study work
  • Implementation of GIS-based solutions to create a database of road assets
  • Field reviews of roads and related assets by trained field technicians or via third-party mechanized data collection
  • Analysis of roads data to identify road needs and improvement requirements
  • Assistance in development of strategies and policies to address road condition needs, and short and long-term capital plans to address those needs
  • Integration of the Road Management Plan with other studies, including Transportation Master Plans, Asset Management Plans, Infrastructure Studies, OSIM studies and Development Charge Studies
  • Preparation of study reports and council | public presentations to outline the recommendations of the Road Management Plan
Workers on roadway with dumptruck spreading gravel

Henry Centen, P.Eng.

Senior Transportation Engineer

Service Contact

We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or require assistance.